The Voted Product of the Year Award (hereafter referred to as POY) which is organised by Product
of the Year, Israel Hashla 6 St. Tel Aviv (hereafter “the Organiser”) aims to promote new products
launched on the Israel market within the framework of the award entitled “Voted Product of the
Year”. These regulations govern the 2025 POY Awards and annul and replace previous versions.
Only the following products are eligible:
– products from national or international manufacturers producing directly or under their
total control, sold in an official distribution channel.
“Private label” exclusively sold in a generalist retail outlet are not accepted. Specific Brands such
as cosmetics, etc. with their own and exclusive distribution channel are not considered as a
“Private label”. “Private label” can participate to the Contest if they demonstrate that the
manufacturing process of the participating product is under its total control from R&D,
manufacturing up to logistics. In this context, only “Private label” can be eligible for the Voted
Product of The Year Contest which can clearly and convincingly demonstrate this specificity.
– brands that are sold in Israel in an official distribution channel and that scrupulously respect
the rules and laws relating to advertising communication. The POY complies with the regulations
governing communication that are in force in Israel and cannot accept participation in the
awards or grant permission to use its logo if a product or a product category cannot express
itself in the main media, or can do so only in a very restrictive way. If there is any doubt the
Organiser will decide and will be the sole decision-maker as to the eligibility of the candidate.
– innovative, new or presenting a new characteristic in the eyes of an average consumer. To
define an objective limit, only products launched nationally between 01/01/2022 and 01/01/2025
will be accepted. The Organiser must be able to do any research necessary to check that this
criterion has been respected and the contestants must provide any assistance needed and do
their best to facilitate the Organiser’s access to this information.
Products that have already entered for the previous POY Award may do so again provided they
meet the criteria set out in Article 2. However, products that have already won the POY Award and
which have not been modified in such a way that they do not meet the criteria of Article 2 may
not enter.
For each edition of the POY award, the products are divided into several categories, which the
Organiser is free to define, each containing at least three products. In each of the categories,
consumers must be able to differentiate between the competing products. The Organiser
reserves the right to change, add or withdraw one or more categories depending on the nature of
the products and the number of applications received, without its liability being implicated
because of this.
To be voted Product of the Year, the award-winning product must obtain a score that is higher
than the participating products in direct competition with it within its category and/or higher than
the average of the scores of the products in its category (average score of at least 3 and at most
6 products, who offer sufficient representativeness of the category selected by the Organiser, in
accordance with the selection criteria of the awards and in agreement with the independent
Research Institute carrying out the market poll and the POY, supported if required by its Expert
Committee). A company may enter one or more products for the same awards and in the same
category of the POY Awards. In that case, it must be up against at least one competing product
and/or the average score of its category. If the only participating product in a category does not
obtain a score higher than the average of the products in the category, an award will not be
granted for the category in question.
Entering for the awards is done according to the following steps:
– Submission of an application for a product/product range/service that has been on the market
for a maximum of 24 months. (See Article No. 7 and 8)
– Examination of the application by the Expert Committee through the Internet and submission of
the actual products if requested and/or needed. (When submitting your application, 20 samples
will be required for the members of the Expert Committee; there will be specific conditions for
fresh products or ones with high added value). For any fresh products, the organizer will only
request 5 to 20 samples. For all products with a value above 400 NIS (average 100 € POY
Countries), the organizer will arbitrate up to 5 samples. These samples are non-returnable.
– As soon as the application is accepted by the Expert Committee the product is validated for the
next stage of the process.
– A quote may then be made that will include expenses for participation in the poll and the
necessary expenses for in situ testing.
– Determination of the categories as follows: The product will be competing against at least two
product and at most 6 that are representative of the category. Products in the category may or
may not be participating. The winner’s score must be higher than the other contestants and/or
than the average of selected products in the category.
– All the products are judged as follows: An opinion poll carried out online by an independent
research company Treetz/Deloitte with a minimum of 5000 consumers in total and with at least
120 users or potential users of the category, in order to determine the attractiveness, perceived
innovation and intent to purchase the product.
– All the candidates, whether they are award winners or not, will have at their disposal a full
report of the results that will contribute to and enrich internal and external communications.
(N.B.:the detailed product test report is only given for participating products and for its brand).
– The winners may implement their communication mechanism as soon as the results are
announced to make full use of the logo from 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025.
To participate in the POY Awards, companies must complete an application form which will be
sent to them directly by the Organiser, either after having made a request to the Organiser or by
downloading it from the website
Applications must be signed and returned by post, e-mail or electronic format on the website to
the POY addresses as they appear on the site and must be sent with 20 units
of the product/range entered, before the closing date for applications to the address given by the
POY team. The number of units to be made available to the organiser may be subject to
exceptions as mentioned in Article 6. Completing the application incurs the irrevocable liability of
the participant and the company that by their signature the person is considered to represent.
Applicant companies undertake to ensure that the information and elements in the application
for the POY Award are accurate, up to date, incontrovertible and do not infringe upon the rights of
others. Applicant companies are liable for information communicated and elements provided.
Applicant companies are responsible for the information communicated and the elements
transmitted, as well as their quality. If the communicated material needs to be processed due to
poor quality, the Organiser reserves the right to charge the Applicant for the changes. At all times,
the organiser reserves the possibility of eliminating any candidate and/ or products that do not
respect the provisions of these regulations or that would damage the reputation of the Organiser.
The financial commitments of the companies for their participation and/or their status as an
award winner remain owed by these companies to the Organiser. In any case, POY cannot be held
liable for a conflict between two competing companies that are participating in the same
category. POY reserves the right, where applicable, to cancel the category if the conflict between
the participants is likely to damage the image of its brand.
All the information and documents submitted by the candidate companies, before validation of
the Committee and not reprocessed by POY in the context of the Awards, will remain strictly
confidential. All information relating to the awards reprocessed by POY in the context of the
Awards may be mentioned or published when the results of the Awards are announced. This
information may not be disclosed to the general public or published without the agreement of the
parties concerned, outside of any literature that forms an integral part of the Awards. The
application files will be kept by the Organiser and will not be returned to the candidates. The
products and samples will also be kept by the Organiser and are not returnable. Under no
circumstances will the results regarding participating products that did not win an award be
disclosed, published or used for any purpose whatsoever other than strictly internal information
of the participating candidates. It is clearly stated that infringement of this provision is
considered serious damage.
The Organiser reserves the right to change, prolong, postpone, shorten, suspend or cancel the
POY Awards without notice if circumstances require it and especially in the case of force majeure
or events outside of its control. Its liability cannot be invoked because of this. No damages may
be sought by the candidate companies.
The withdrawal of a product from the competition by a candidate company may happen and it
may never be publicly declared as a prize winner. However, in this case the candidacy is
considered final and the application fees will not be refunded.
The award-winning products may use the logo “Voted Product of the Year” in Israel exclusively.
The use of the logo as well as any communication about the voting only relates to the period from
when the results were announced officially by the POY to the participants up to 31/12/2025. The
logo can only be used for the promotion of the award-winning products exclusively and during
the period defined above.
The use of the logo “Voted Product of the Year” is strictly limited to the product as it was
presented in the application or in a configuration close to its shape, name, dimensions, graphic
representation, formula or its initial recipe. Changes or developments during the period when the
logo is used are allowed if they do not have a profound effect on the formula, characteristics or
the function of the product, and if the changes on the wrapping and packaging of the product do
not lead to any confusion among consumers in regard to the product presented
during the poll. The product or its packaging cannot be modified to the point whereby the
product in question is not recognisable by the consumers. This assessment is left to the
discretion of the award winner. The Organiser will be pleased to provide assistance and advice
about this to the award winners. However, it must be very clear and non-equivocal that any
dispute or action for libel taken by an official institution or a competitor in relation to significant
changes made to a product in relation to the characteristics of the product initially entered for
the Awards will be charged to and under the responsibility of the Award winner. On no account
can “POY Israel” be held liable for modifications made to the product by the Award winner
during the time the logo is used. In the case of a change of the EAN code, prior authorisation
must be obtained from the Organiser.
Only the Organiser of the POY Israel Awards may group all or some of the award-winning
products with the aim of organising one or more promotional events making direct or indirect
reference to “Voted Product of the Year” products. This right belongs solely to the Organiser and
potential partners of the POY Awards appointed for this purpose and to the exclusion of any
other natural person or legal entity, including award-winning companies, without contractual
agreement. Therefore, these may only make reference to the POY Awards solely for themselves
and their award-winning product(s).
The logo “Voted Product of the Year” is subject to national, community and international
registration. POY has proof of this registration available for candidates.
The logos registered may only be used in their entirety. The models and colours must be
respected; a charter of use will be provided to award winners who will be required to respect it
to the letter. The use is reserved exclusively for award winners. The award-winning companies
must submit all their projects for use of the logo for the approval of the Organisation before
circulation and respect the terms in force regarding compulsory wording. Unless expressly
permitted by POY, the logo “Voted Product of the Year” may not be used simultaneously with
another label/logo or a direct competitive statement. The Organiser will provide the award
winners with all the elements necessary to accompany and manage the use of the logo.
The award-winning companies undertake to check the use of the logo “Voted Product of the
Year” so that the latter is not used and does not appear in communications about the product
or the award-winning company after the date set by the Organiser in Article 13 of these
regulations. If this does not happen, the companies whose products are implicated will be
directly liable and may be invoiced for an additional amount at a rate proportional to the time
allotted and issued with an injunction to remove all supports or products bearing the logo.
Only companies with an award-winning product may use the logo “Voted Product of the Year”
Any breach of this rule will be subject to legal procedures against the party in breach. Any other
product that entered for the awards but was not successful may on no account use it as a
Regardless of the support used, the use of the logo “Voted Product of the Year” must mention
references in accordance with the rules set out in the charter of use issued by POY. Under no
circumstances will POY be held responsible for the absence of the legal notice or a particular
constraint relating to the use of the logo in a given sector. This is incumbent upon the
participating company.
Companies, whose product(s) have won awards, authorise the Organiser to broadcast their
name, address and the representation of the winning products as well as the qualitative
analysis of the results of the poll carried out in the context of the publication and promotion of
the Product of the Year Awards.
Any question relating to the application of this rule or any unforeseen question relating to the
POY Awards shall be judged without appeal by the Organiser
Upon signature committing to submit a product of your company for the POY Awards, the
amount committed to cover the costs of the poll by the independent Institute will be invoiced to
the candidate and payable 30 days from the date of invoice. This invoice implies irrevocable
acceptance of the commitment to pay the expenses for the license to use the logo as soon as
the product is awarded as a winner, whether the company uses the logo or not. The Expert
Committee will acknowledge acceptance of participation within 30 days. In the case of refusal of
an application by the Expert Committee due to incompatibility with the regulations or any other
objective reason, the Organiser will arrange for the participation invoice to be cancelled within
30 days to prevent any actual payment. Acceptance of the payment and the signature of the
purchase order entails automatic invoicing to the participating company by POY.
POY cannot invoke any internal administrative procedure within the participating company
that could lead to a delay or to this commitment not being applied. The signature of the
purchase order is considered as having been made by a person fully responsible and duly
appointed by the company to make a commitment on its behalf and without reservation.
Companies, whose product(s) have won awards, undertake to pay, as beneficiary of the logo,
the Organiser irrevocably the amount owed for each award-winning product as Voted
Product of the Year, whether there has been use of the logo “Voted Product of the Year” for
the period covered in Article 13 of these regulations or not, and even in the case of their
product being withdrawn from the distribution channels in question.
Participation in the POY Awards entails full and complete acceptance of these regulations
deposed at the professional civil law company. The regulations may be obtained on simple
request sent to the Organiser at the addresses shown on the website
Participation in the POY Awards (confirmed by acceptance of the official purchase order of
the participating company) entails implicit and unconditional approval of these regulations.
The company POY Israel undertakes to provide services in accordance with the best
standards of application at the time of signature of the contract while also enabling the client
to benefit from the improvements made to the “Voted Product of the Year” concept, it being
understood that the Organiser will only be liable for an obligation of means.
The client undertakes to work with the company POY Israel for the full term of the service
provision with a view to facilitating and improving the quality of the service as defined in the
offer. For this purpose, the client undertakes to supply all information accurately, to provide
any clarification, explanation or documentation useful for the provision of the service and to
respond to any questions from the company POY Israel.
The services will be invoiced in accordance with the descriptions and rates defined. The
invoices will be issued by the Organiser and in accordance with all relevant legal obligations.
Invoices must be paid within 30 days of the end of the month. In the case of late payment,
the law that applies to outstanding commercial payments will apply.
The client undertakes to respect the conditions of the offer that make up the contract. Failing
this, the Organiser may terminate the contract by registered letter if the breach indicated is
not remedied within 15 calendar days from the date the letter of formal notice was sent.
If a contract is terminated by the Organiser the client may not benefit from any part of the
contract and is, in particular, bound to refrain from any use of the logo and to withdraw any
reference to the Organiser or to the concept “Voted Product of the Year” from their
As a general rule the Organiser can only be held liable for serious fault or wilful
misrepresentation. For the advertising campaign or provision of services, the client
undertakes to respect the law in force, trade practices and the protection of privacy as well
as the specific regulations of its business sector. The Organiser will not be liable in any way
on account of this. In any case, the Organiser will not be liable for any direct or indirect
damages suffered by the client or third parties especially in cases of operating loss, fines or
damages and interests due to the non-respect of law, loss of profit, contract, data or any
other damage caused by the execution of the contract.
The client declares to own all the author’s rights and other rights relating to data
(information, imagery, software, brand, model, etc.) which were or will be implemented and
guarantee the Organiser of any claim or other sum that it would have to pay following a claim
by a third party who might claim to own the intellectual property or other on all or part of the
elements communicated by the client.
For the Organiser: Jules Israel Naim Country Manager POY ISRAEL
